Tessina Strelow

Meet Tessina, a multi-talented creative with a passion for impactful media content. Her skills in video production, animation, drawing, and article writing are fuelled by a deep love for nature and diverse cultures. Tessina actively engages in environmental and social initiatives, advocating for conscious consumption, reducing plastic waste, and supporting wildlife. Her project with DARWIN200 focuses on the preservation of two rare and specific bird species native to the Canary Islands: the Blue Chaffinch and the Great Spotted Woodpecker.

START DATE: 27th August LOCATION: Tenerife AREA OF STUDY: Endemic Birds
END DATE: 2nd September Representing: Germany SPONSOR: UC Investors
START DATE: 27th August
END DATE: 2nd September
LOCATION: Tenerife
END POINT: Germany
AREA OF STUDY: Endemic Birds
SPONSOR: UC Investors

All project films, reports and photo essays from each leader launching on November 30th

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