IRO Tsarmpopoulou-Fokianou

My name is Iro and I am a Social Anthropologist with a passion for conservation and animal welfare. I was always passionate about animals and decided to go into anthropology with the goal of combining the humanities with conservation through interdisciplinary research and interspecies relations.

I’m an experienced researcher, having been part of a 2-year research group in Greece, which led to the publication of a collaborative book with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and continued leading projects in collaboration with Panteion University, like reading clubs and podcast series. I’ve also conducted solo primary research for my thesis, on the cultural significance of whales in Iceland, studying human-whale interactions, which sparkled a passion for the protection of the ocean and its inhabitants.

I have worked with multiple NGOs in the environmental sector like the Jane Goodall Institute, Sea watch Foundation, Sea Shepherd Greece and ANIMA Greece, always trying to support efforts to protect nature and animals.

I participated in the Darwin200 global conservation project as a Leader focusing on the conservation of short finned pilot whales in Tenerife and hope to in the future continue my studies in anthrozoology and continue working for conservation and animal protection.
START DATE: 27th August LOCATION: Tenerife AREA OF STUDY: Pilot whale
END DATE: 2nd September Representing: Greece SPONSOR: CCSL
CAMERA OPERATOR: Lorimer Macandrew
START DATE: 27th August
END DATE: 2nd September
LOCATION: Tenerife
AREA OF STUDY: Pilot whale
CAMERA OPERATOR: Lorimer Macandrew
Area of Study: Guanches of the Sea: The pilot whales of Tenerife


This project was focused on short finned pilot whales in the Teno-Rasca strip in South West Tenerife. In this researched we focused on the conservation status of short finned pilot whales, explored the threats they are facing today and proposed solutions.

Teno-Rasca is a recognised marine area of great value and has been awarded titles like that of Whale Heritage Site and Kilometre 0 for whales, due to its high biodiversity, housing not only the resident 400 pilot whale individuals, but also 1/3 of all cetacean species and other marine animals. Despite this status the threats facing today are multiple, complicated and almost exclusively anthropogenic. Marine traffic is the main threat to the species, causing increased stress levels, extreme noise pollution and even collisions, resulting to the threatened status of these animals who are not only extremely intelligent and emotional, but also a symbol of the Island of Tenerife.

For these threats we proposed multifaceted solutions varying from the implementation of AIS for monitoring, to the designation of routes for vessels, speed limits, no take zones and educational campaigns, all of which as listed and analysed in the 3d film.

For our research we conducted field work in the ports of the Teno-Rasca strip, interviews with people working closely with the whales and tourists, and participatory observation on whale watching boats.

Project Films

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Project Reports

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This Project Was Made Possible By: Carbon Capture Solutions Limited

Carbon Capture Solutions Limited supports industry and businesses in delivering complex infrastructural and Community development projects compliant with UN Sustainable Goals. We have a passion to deliver evidenced practical solutions to sustainable living and to bring the benefits of innovative technologies to a global audience. We offer industry, businesses and individuals’ participation in solving their own and global sustainability problems, a united force.

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